Any dents in your car are annoying blemishes that your eyes will go to every time you look at your vehicle. Whether larger dents from the most recent hailstorm or smaller dings that can accumulate over the lifespan of your car, making sure they’re removed properly is very important to the overall look of your car. A rushed job can leave your car worse off than before and with an expensive bill to boot. At Autowerks in College Station, our Hail Haus uses a completely paintless and non-invasive repair process that gets your European vehicle’s body back in factory shape no matter the size of your dent.
At Autowerks we offer paintless dent removal for all models of:
We understand the high standards that drivers hold their cars to and we’re committed to exceeding your expectations with every visit. Our shop uses the latest tools & equipment available to make sure that we get the job done right. Recent hailstorms in the area have seen baseball-sized hail, which can cause quite a bit of damage. For those larger dents, our technicians are committed to properly repairing & removing them right, without compromising the quality of our work or the body of your car. We’ll work with you through the entire process to make sure you always know exactly what your car needs.
If your car has dents you’d like removed or to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians, please call or visit the Hail Haus at Autowerks today.