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  • See a BMW Specialist in College Station when Your BMW’s PCV Valve Goes Bad

    BMW Car

    BMW is well-known for its excellent performance and comfort. As a popular luxury automobile company, BMW manufactures high-quality vehicles but they can fall prey to wear and tear with age. Parts will need to be replaced, such as the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve. This small valve plays a large role in the smooth performance of your BMW, and it’s important that it functions correctly.

    PCV Valves: Creating a Pristine Car and Environment

    The PCV valve is connected to the crankcase. It is a valve with a one-way stream that reroutes unused gases, also known as blow-by, back into the combustion chamber of your engine to be burned.

    The PCV valve was added to vehicles when it was realized that these unburned gases are harmful to both the vehicle and to the environment. Without a PCV valve, these gases would mix with your BMW’s motor oil to create a corrosive sludge, as well as send a hefty amount of emissions into the atmosphere. The addition of the PCV valve maintains a cleaner fuel system for longer periods of time and lowered pressure inside the crankcase. This also helps the environment.

    Indicators of a PCV Valve Gone Bad

    Most owner’s manuals don’t list the PCV valve as part of routine maintenance. Instead, it is something to have your technician check during regular inspections. If your BMW’s PCV valve goes bad before it is replaced, there are some effects and potential damage that may occur.

    Your PCV valve may have gone bad in a couple different ways. Unless it was broken somehow, the most common way for a PCV valve to fail is to become clogged with residue buildup from age and use. It usually gets stuck open or closed when this happens.

    If it is stuck in the open position, the air/fuel ratio in your BMW’s fuel system will run lean, meaning too much air is running through. This could cause your engine light to illuminate. Your BMW’s performance can become rough when you start or idle, and it can increase your oil consumption.

    If it is stuck in the closed position, the air/fuel ratio will run rich, meaning there is too much fuel running through. When this happens, a pressure builds inside the crankcase, which can lead to oil leaks.

    Also, the PCV valve won’t be able to recycle the blow-by gases. Instead, these fumes can mix with the motor oil, creating a corrosive sludge that can harm the engine and other metal parts in your vehicle. It will also increase your BMW’s emissions, fuel consumption, and oil consumption.

    PCV Valve Failure: Fix It Fast

    When these problems arise, it is best to replace the PCV valve as soon as possible. If replacement is delayed, it could increase your BMW’s fuel consumption and gas emission. Even further, it could cause corrosion of your engine or other metal under your hood. However, as with most maintenance of your vehicle, it is better to replace the PCV valve routinely to avoid any major damage and to keep your car in peak working condition.

    Be sure to visit a trusted certified technician for regular tuneups, as they will let you know when it is time to replace your PCV valve as a preventative measure before any damage can occur.

    While the PCV valve can be a relatively easy replacement, it is also an inexpensive replacement at an automotive service facility. We suggest having a certified technician who specializes in your make and model to assess that this replacement is done correctly and that there are no other issues with your vehicle.

    Autowerks Will Work with You

    We understand that all the nuanced maintenance of your BMW can be confusing and, BMW PCV Valve Failure Fix at times, worrisome. At Autowerks, our certified technicians specialize in European automobiles like your BMW and can help replace your PCV valve, as well as with other routine maintenance.

    We are here to help our clients in the College Station area, such as Brenham, Bryan, Caldwell, Madisonville, and Navasota. Our technicians provide the same quality expertise that you would find at a dealership but at an affordable price. Our shop is located in College Station, TX, and we are happy to assist you with your BMW’s regular maintenance and repairs. Stop by or call to make an appointment today!

    * BMW Car image credit goes to: ByoungJoo.

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